What’s the Future of Seeds and Water?

I'm an idea machine. I have 10 ideas a day. Many of them are wacky and just fun to think about. Fun for me, potentially stressful for others. ;)

Years ago I had an idea that I should start a Turo car rental side hustle in which we lease 3-5 cars and rent them out regularly to the thousands of people who visit Washington D.C. each year. I excitedly told Karrie, "Our house is perfectly positioned between all the major airports in one of the biggest tourist spots in America!"

She strongly disliked this idea...for many, many good reasons.

I've learned if an idea sticks for a while, and consistently comes to mind over a period of weeks or months—that's when I should share it with others, see what they think. Collaboration is such a critical part of the vision and mission process. Sometimes that collaboration is a brick wall in which my teammates or friends say in so many words, "I don't think that's a good idea." I've also learned not to attach my identity or ego to ideas. When good ideas come along, collaborators get excited and then offer critical feedback or strategic advice, and the idea becomes a plan or an action.

You've just read a rapid summation of the leadership process I've used for the past 10 years with my teams and my coaching clients. And for the past 3 years, most of my ideas and plans relate to Seeds and Water Collective. I love what God is building.

Today, I want to share some of our ideas that are sticky and some of our plans. For the ideas and the plans, we welcome your feedback. Collaborate with us! We would also love your questions, support, and prayers.


1. We want to continue to create experiences that reignite faith in restorative and supportive ways. Intentional and restorative experiences powerfully impacted me during a 10-year season of doubt and despair. We have led a couple Zoom experiences, but look forward to expanding upon these and also launching in-person experiences. While I was deconstructing my own faith, experiencing doubt, and many times darkness and despair, I noticed that being with others who were also struggling helped me. I'm confident these experiences and relationships kept my heart soft, when it would have been easy to become cynical and hard.  

2. We would like to contract a part-time spiritual care chaplain who can meet with people and provide basic spiritual care and connection in our community. As you may have read last week, our one-on-one engagement has almost tripled in 2023!

3. We want to plant churches, specifically built around replicating highly relational, shared meal experiences. Many people tend to think of "church" as singing and preaching on a Sunday morning. In our experiences, we've tried to build faith around a shared meal. The act of breaking bread, having great food, and sharing the struggles and hopes of life. I've seen God move in many wonderful ways around the dinner table. Restoration visits people at the Table. We love to show and teach people how to have a Christ-inspired shared meal with others.  

4. We plan to contract a grant writer. We've interviewed for this role and think we have found our person. Now we just need to raise some more funds in order to grow and strengthen our organization.

5. We plan to continue building our consulting work

Our Sticky Ideas (not plans yet, but these are ideas that continue to linger)

6. Potentially build out a counseling wing with licensed counselors.

  • Counseling people who have suffered trauma and abuse in a religious community

  • Coach and teach churches and non-profits on trauma-informed practices and culture

7. I daydream about building an endowment fund much like a university in order to set Seeds and Water Collective up for heavenly impact long after I'm gone.

8. Purchasing a retreat center in a beautiful part of the U.S. Christ met me in His beautiful Creation too many times to count: a waterfall in Tuscany, a cabin next to the Shenandoah River, the Rocky mountains, the waves of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of North Carolina, and many more. I dream about hosting in-person experiences for people in a beautiful, soul-nourishing location.    

How you can help

1. Feedback - any thoughts, questions, or advice on our plans or ideas?

2. Prayers and Encouragement

3. Financial Donation - Two of our donors have offered to match any gift given in December up to a total of $4000! Wow. We're hoping you will help us get to that $4000 mark which would = $8000 for Seeds and Water!

  • If you're a current supporter of Seeds and Water, would you consider doubling your December gift? If you normally give $250, would you give $500 this month? That extra $250 will be matched!

  • If you haven't given to Seeds and Water, would you consider a one-time donation this December?

If Seeds and Water Collective has brought you some joy this year, we hope you will consider giving a financial gift that makes you feel joyful. Don’t give a donation that hurts. Give a donation that brings a smile to your face. And if it’s not to us, who in your life could use a joyful gift this December? We hope you’ll act on that.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            




What Does Seeds and Water Do?