What People Are Saying

  • “I was going through a very difficult time in my life and he helped me process my pain, my doubts, my calling. Most of the time showing vulnerability and opening up to someone is incredibly hard but that wasn’t my experience at all with Aaron, he really listens and that’s not something you find every day, he never judged me for my struggles, he showed compassion and empathy and always knew exactly what to ask when I felt lost. He is definitely someone that knows how to follow the Spirit’s lead when helping someone.”

    — Brenda

  • “Shala is the kind of friend you want on your team. She is sassy in the best kind of way—she suffers no-nonsense and speaks the truth, but does so with such a warmth and kindness that it makes your heart smile. She will refuse to let you underestimate yourself. You get the sense that Shala is going to bat for you in the realm of the spirit, employing encouragement, humor, lived experience, and a smart right hook to the chin of whatever it is that's coming after you—even if it's your own darn self.”

    — Bethany

  • "Aaron Thomas brings much discernment, skill and sensitivity to leading people and churches amidst the changes of our culture. Well versed in reading the cultural shifts, gifted in discernment, understanding leadership as mutuality of gifts, I can think of few practitioners or thinkers like Aaron, who can guide people through the maze of challenges facing pastors in leading churches in today’s post Christendom cultures."

    — David Fitch, Professor Northern Seminary Chicago

  • “The thing about Shala’s ministry is at its core it’s personal and consistent presenting a most real and accurate representation of Christ to both believers and nonbelievers, but in a way they can receive in that moment. She becomes who they need so that they can have an encounter with God.”

    — James

  • “It has been a true blessing and joy to have Aaron and Karrie Thomas as my cohort leaders and counselors. Right from the start, they created a very safe and welcoming environment for all the participants in which we could freely share our hearts without being judged or challenged. Many times, after having shared at our cohort discussions, I came away with having a clear sense of direction, not because they pointed out the right answers, but through deeper personal reflection and discovery that they coached us to pursue. Over the course of the year, I have come to consider Aaron and Karrie as my mentors and friends.”

    — Aphi

  • “Under Shala’s leadership, I loved that our work wasn’t just about delivering programming. Shala encouraged us to meet people where they are and to teach the gospel with simplicity, integrity and grace. She taught us to work through challenges and the barriers of the status quo so that our students could meet and follow Jesus. Shala's extreme passion for discipleship and pouring into others is obvious. No matter how busy the season, Shala took the time to check in with us and continue to point us towards Jesus. Shala is truly a shepherd; she builds up, teaches and cares for the flock in her care, so that they can do the same for others.”

    — Cherlisa

  • “For me, last years prayer pathway instilled some essential and easy actions that I now implement when I spend time with God. From my desire to now have a true sabbath, to securing a personal private spot that I can connect with God, the prayer pathway went back to the basics in a way that was truly refreshing. The experience was designed in a simple, yet beautiful way, and has challenged me to engage God differently and to be intentional with him. Since the experience, major challenges have come my husband and I’s way, and the practices I learned from the prayer pathway, was a saving grace. Thank you, Seeds and Water!”

    — Elizabeth

  • “Aaron guided the group so that each person felt heard and respected which allowed everyone to connect and share complex and real personal struggles, knowing they were not alone or judged. The listening and healing prayer helped me to understand the lies I’ve internalized, and the truth that God wants me to know. This type of prayer changed my perspective on my abilities and strengths and challenged my thinking routines to see that I was more capable than I had let myself believe. It allowed me to see the potential of who I can be as a part of His Kingdom. Contemplative prayer helped me to reflect on my personal relationship with God and to relive the healing I felt when I was first introduced to His grace and love. Because of contemplative prayer, I feel motivated to share this feeling of grace and acceptance through Jesus with others.”

    — Mary