Love Instead of Fear

This is #3 in a 4 part series: What I Learned at the Edge of My Faith. You can read Part #1 and #2 here.

Love is much better than fear.  When Matt died, an influential friend in my life told me it was important I didn't announce from stage at Matt's funeral that he was in heaven. He said it would glorify an unforgivable sin of suicide and that if anyone in that crowd ever took their own life, their blood would be on my hands, and I would have to answer to God. It rocked me. The fear he put in my heart crippled me spiritually and emotionally. I have no memory of what I shared from stage at Matt's memorial service, but I know it wasn't from the Holy Spirit. Not a single word. Fear and grief crippled me that night.

That was the night my evangelical faith began to die. Matt's family and friends needed to be loved through that experience, but I let fear control me instead. I've discovered, we cannot hold fear and love in our lives at the same time. "Perfect love casts out all fear" (1 John 4:18). Many American Christians are gripped by fear. One of the signs that you are being controlled by fear and not led by love: You fear that which you don't understand.

Who or what do you fear?

Take some time to contemplate that. Make a list.

Who does God want you to love?

No need to make another list. It's the same one.

Love is a journey that never ends. Fear can be instant.

Love listens. Fear silences.

Love allows other people to take the lead. Fear desires control.

Love is unconditional. Fear attaches strings to everything.

What does it look like for you to replace fear with love?

Over the last decade, I've learned the true power of Christ's love. Fear no longer has a grip on my heart. For those of you who feel trapped in a culture or community of fear, you are not alone. There is spiritual awakening happening in our culture right now. Take heart, love is making a move on fear and the light is getting brighter.

Next week: Part 4 - Death Does Not Have the Last Word. Heaven is for Everyone.


Real Inclusion


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