One of My Problems with the Megachurch Movement

One of the most toxic ideologies I caught in the megachurch/church growth movement (and many times it was subconscious and organic), is something along the lines of Dominionism.

Dominionism is the belief that Christians should take moral, spiritual, and ecclesiastical control over society.

I heard phrases like "Be a hero-maker" at Christian conferences. I see megachurches pushing the narrative to "Be a world changer"

I saw metrics that were built around observable impact.

I see pastors concerned with honor culture, status, power, and influence.

All of this shit is very American. Little of it is Christian.

Power, control, observable impact, hierarchy, hero-making, status, influence. Christians would do well to run from this or at least question it thoroughly. If it doesn't look or feel like Christ on the Cross, it's probably not from Him.

Sacrificial love, ignoring or even retreating from crowds, a rejection of political or societal power, moves to the margins without the photo ops that typically accompany that.

This isn't cynical. This is a concern over what lasts, what forms us, what is holy, and good, and restorative.

I want people to experience the freedom and beauty of letting Christ be the King and just simply following His lead.


Lyrics I Love


Epiphany #6 - Walk Away