We Don’t Need No…

Education? Pink Floyd anyone? The Wall! Even if you’re not a fan, you probably know this classic song and chorus.

I’ve been thinking recently about “what we don’t need” in American Christianity. These thoughts usually flare up for me after I encounter toxic beliefs, habits, or practices that hurt people. Here are some of the most common thoughts I’ve had…

We don’t need no conquering heroes, celebrity pastors, and personal brand Christianity. These toxic leadership practices are born from our American culture of “consumerism, individualism, and competition”. It hurts people in too many ways to list here. "It’s also contributing to a pastoral exodus” - Dr. Chuck DeGroat, licensed therapist, former pastor. Eugene Peterson wrote, “The huge irony is that the more the gospel is offered in consumer terms, the more the consumers are disappointed. The gospel is not a consumer product; it doesn’t satisfy what we think of as our ‘needs’.”

We don’t need no rigid systems, tribalism, and fences. One of the unique experiences I’ve had over the past 8 years is spending a lot of time with people from different cultures: especially from Eastern cultures like Greece, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan. Our lives, habits, perspectives, faith, and experiences couldn’t be more different. Yet, I’ve always been able to find common ground either in Christ or with my Muslim friends, in God the Father (Allah). One of my greatest frustrations and pain points with the American Church is the increase in belief and behavioral fences…LEGALISM. There has been less of a focus on our common ground in Christ, and more of a focus on believing the right things (about the Bible, heaven/hell, women in leadership, etc.) or behaving in a certain way (sexuality, gender, marriage).

We don’t need more of this fundamentalism, and I see this in both conservative circles and progressive circles.

Legalism and fundamentalism is what happens when fear replaces love; when power replaces sacrifice; when control replaces freedom.

In my work with Servant Group International and with Seeds and Water Collective, I encounter a lot of people and pastors who have been wounded by some of the above. One personal filter I try to use: is my belief, action, or reaction coming from a desire of love, sacrifice, and freedom? Or is it coming from a place of fear, power, and control?

What do we need?

We need Christ. He is enough for all of us. His grace is sufficient. Within His grace and presence there is heavenly amounts of room for nuance and mystery. Like Christ, I hope people recognize me as a person and place where legalism comes to die.


The System is Rigged


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