We’ve Got Exciting News!

7 years ago, Dan White and I sat at a table in between sessions at the Praxis Gathering dreaming about the future. At this point, Karrie and I had been coaching church planters for a few years with The V3 Movement. Our friend Dan was our original connection with V3. In 2022, after resigning from our beloved Restore Church, Karrie and I visited Kineo Center and were led by him and his wife and teammate Tonya through some very impactful sessions. (If you’re in leadership of any kind, I HIGHLY recommend you visit Kineo).

Our time at Kineo was a wonderful springboard into our launch of Seeds and Water Collective.

Back to that table conversation with Dan in 2017. I told him something like, “Hey, if there’s ever a time V3 needs more from me, I’ll be ready. I love V3, this is my tribe and community, and want to be more involved if you all think it would be a good fit.”

Last month, Dan called me and basically said, “Hey, remember that conversation we had 7 years ago? How about now?”

Last week, I started my part-time role of Recruitment Manager for V3 church planters. We have training cohorts all over the globe: North America, Europe, Africa, and even Japan. I’m thrilled for a lot of reasons, but for Seeds and Water Collective, one of the core pieces of our pathway is connecting spiritual refugees to restorative faith communities or helping them launch their own. The V3 tribe has always been the first people I go to when helping Seeds and Water people find a community.

As people progress with Seeds and Water through our content, spiritual care, and experiences, the final part of that jouney is community and this is where the connection to The V3 Movement is such a seamless blessing.

It’s clear God is up to something and we’re excited for this next step in the growth and development of Seeds and Water Collective and also thankful to be part of The V3 Movement!


Sermon (The Edge of Faith)


Stages of Faith