The Journey Ahead with Doug and Aaron

In the growing community that has experienced deconstruction of faith, context matters and there’s no shortage of cynics.

It’s pretty easy to find TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram videos of people who are exposing and attacking religious fundamentalism. This is needed.

However, I haven’t seen much in the way of providing a path forward in faith. That’s where Seeds and Water Collective might differ from much of the content you see out there. Our ultimate hope is to strip away all the junk that religious people have attached to Jesus, but also help people heal and provide pathways forward into faith community.

Doug and I have been training and coaching pastors, non-profit leaders, and mission-driven business owners for a combined 25-30 years. We’re both former church planters. We’ve both experienced a lot of rejection by religious institutions. We’ve both experienced our own deconstruction journeys and are continually discovering a deeper, richer faith along the way. And finally, we both have some ideas born from experience, for creating healthy and restorative faith communities.

When you combine our experiences and our strengths (Aaron’s the dreamer and Doug’s the strategist) good things will come. 

Over the coming months, we are excited to highlight some of our personal journeys through deconstruction, while also unpacking the broader movement and maybe most importantly, the pathways forward. Where many are angry and cynical (rightfully so) and others are mourning and hoping the Church experiences revival (it’s not and this is a GOOD thing), we see some hopeful opportunities for the future of faith and community in our culture.

Coming later this week: Doug’s Deconstruction Journey


Doug’s Deconstruction Journey


Coming in February…