Faith, Life, and a Sailboat (Lyrics I Love #2)

I’m a classic rock kind-of-guy. Most of the music I listen to was written in the 70’s, 80’s, or 90’s. If I’m listening to a 21st Century song, it’s likely my wife introduced me to it.

She introduced me to the singer/songwriter Ben Rector about 10 years ago. It’s hard to pick a favorite song of his, but my favorite lyrics are from his song “Sailboat”. I clung to these lyrics and still do as life seems to be a series of difficult circumstances. It’s a deep struggle to find contentment amidst challenging circumstances, right?

It’s hard to narrow down my favorite lyrics from this song because every word carries weight, but the beginning lyrics always capture me immediately:

I feel just like a sailboat
Don't know where I'm headed
But you can't make the wind blow
From a sailboat
I've seen the sun
Felt the rain on my skin
I've been lost and found
But mostly I've been waiting

Much of my life over the past 15 years has felt that way and summed up perfectly, “mostly I’ve been waiting”. And for someone who is an action junkie and struggles with waiting for coffee to brew, let alone circumstances to change or improve, it’s a faithful reminder.

I wrote these words in a sermon 8 years ago, summarizing what David wrote in Psalm 37: 12-26, “Don’t find contentment in your circumstances, which constantly change. Find contentment in the God who doesn’t ever change.”

8 years laters, I would add, “Will you follow a God who disappoints you?”

Because waiting on that wind to catch my sail can be pretty damn frustrating and painful.

But I also cling to the closing lyrics of the song,

Only change I see
Lost or found at sea
The only difference
Is believing I'll make it in

Some tips I would give my fellow “stranded in sailboat” travelers that have helped me while waiting for the winds of the Spirit to bring me into shore…

  • Community and Friendship - share your vulnerability with others and allow them to ask you questions, provide comfort, and carry the weight of life with you.

  • Contemplative Prayer - this practice centers me, slows my mind down, and brings me into the presence of Christ more than any other rhythm or practice in my life. I’ve built a guide for this if you want a copy.

  • Nature - take a break from screens, notifications, and entertainment and get out to enjoy the wonder and beauty of Creation. Even if it’s a cold, snowy day and a muddy hike through a city park (I did this last year), it will nourish your soul.

  • Have fun. Take a vacation. Party - remember Jesus’s first miracle was at a party that was so lively, they ran out of wine and He made more! All of these can count as elements of Sabbath rest and can provide doses of light, relief, and laughter that will help.

  • Gratitude - practice a daily or weekly practice of gratitude. Maybe it’s some journal time each day, or using an App, or something you do around the dinner table with your family. Openly sharing what you’re grateful for helps you keep the faith.

What am I missing? What has helped you in the midst of being out in the storm, waiting for the wind to bring you back into shore?


Every Second Counts (Lyrics I Love)


Lyrics I Love