Every Second Counts (Lyrics I Love)

One of my favorite weeknight activities is to end the day watching a show with my wife. As much content as we all have access to, good shows are hard to find, right? One of our favorites over the past couple of years is The Bear on Hulu. We love the rough, flawed, and endearing characters on this show…and THE MUSIC. They nail it.

Some of my favorites from the show: John Mayer’s “Last Train Home”, Sufjan Stevens “Chicago”, and of course, Taylor Swift’s “Romeo and Juliet”. Yeah, I love Taylor Swift. (FYI: Her best song is the extended version of “All too Well”.)

This final post with Lyrics I Love isn’t about the lyrics. It’s about the songs that remind me of this show, and in particular, one episode that is an inspiration: Season 2, Episode 7, “Forks”.

I won’t ruin it for you, because you should watch it. These songs remind me of the show. When I think of the show, I think of this particular episode. And when I think of this episode, I think of a quote from this episode, “Every Second Counts”.

It’s a phrase that sums up my understanding of who Christ is and what He’s doing in the world. I believe the Spirit of Christ is present, active, and loving in every second of the day, every conversation, and in every corner of our lives. But that is hard to believe, remember, and embrace because we live in a world of ups and downs, pains and joys, injustice and goodness, focus and distractions. Life and faith are often extremes existing next to one another.

This quote reminds me of my faith that Christ is at work in every second of the day, even if the circumstances I’m surrounded by don’t reflect that. It’s one of the more difficult realizations and practices of Christian faith, living with joy, intentionality, and faithfulness despite the storms occurring around us and in us.

What’s Christ doing in you and around you?

Are you stopping enough, sitting still, embracing quiet long enough to ponder?

Are you scheduling moments of contemplation, stillness, prayer, rest, or worship into your life?

I’ve found that if I don’t schedule those moments into my life, I forget what I believe, and then don’t live with the faith and intentionality that Every Second Counts.


Future and Faith in the U.S.


Faith, Life, and a Sailboat (Lyrics I Love #2)