Epiphany #2Stepping Off the Edge

The coming weeks in January and February following the Epiphany are known as “the time of the manifestation”. I like to think of it this way, Epiphany celebrates the moment when Christ was illuminated to the world, the discovery of all discoveries. Because of Christ, now everyone is included in the Kingdom of God. Over the next 6 weeks of Epiphany, I’ll share some moments, arrivals, and pursuits that have “illuminated Christ” to me, and I hope you’ll consider for your 2024.

We all come to a place where we reach the end of our resources and capacity. 

I’ve spent the better part of the past 25 years settling into brand new places and cultures, observing people, and building new relationships. 

  • In 1999, I transferred from Purdue University where I was rooming with my best friend an hour from my Indianapolis home to Milligan University in Tennessee, where I had no friends or family.

  • 2002-2005, I was a high school English teacher, getting to know teens in a mostly blue collar suburb of Indianapolis. 

  • 2005-2009, I was a youth pastor in suburban Phoenix, Arizona.

  • 2009-2010, I was a youth pastor in the Boulder, Colorado area.

  • In 2011, we moved to Silver Spring, MD to start a church. Silver Spring is the 4th most diverse city in the U.S.

  • In 2017, I started working part-time for Servant Group International, leading trips to serve Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi, Afghan, and Palestinian refugees in Greece and Austria. 

  • And in 2022, we moved back near our original hometown and along with my continual non-profit work, I work for a seminary in one of the most progressive denominations in the U.S. (Disciples of Christ). 

I have formed friendships with people from many corners of the world. All of these people and cultures have…

  • Challenged me

  • Hurt me

  • Blessed me

I have had middle eastern Muslims befriend me and invite me into their homes. And I have had them vent anger toward me in a righteous opportunity to confront a white, male, Christian American…a symbol of oppression and violence to them.

I have had people scoff at my naivety of faith in Christ and people scoff at my rigid pursuit of loving our enemies.

In every church we’ve served, Karrie and I have experienced the blessing of friendship in Christian community and the curse of broken relationships because her and I didn’t live up to expectations.

Challenge…Hurt…Blessing. All of this is mixed together.

We are all formed by community. It’s a theological conclusion of Christians, we believe in a communal God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Our cultural community forms us, but it can’t define us. 

In every place, we HAD to get to know people, their stories, and their culture. And in every step on this journey, I came to an edge of what I knew, what I was comfortable with, or what I understood based on my previous experiences and understanding.

When you get to that edge, you have two choices. You either stay there in your comfort zone, the mental, spiritual, and emotional container you’ve built that helps you understand and navigate life, or you step off the edge into the unknown. 

Fear is staying on the edge. 

Faith is stepping off the edge. 

Some tendencies of people who stay on the edge: 

  • A low ceiling of grace and warmth toward others. They are wonderfully warm with people they understand, but… 

  • Struggle with judgment, cynicism, and even prejudice with people they don’t understand or relate to. 

  • “Bunker down” and aggressively protect that mental container or comfort zone they hold dear.

  • Blame and scapegoat others rather than move off the edge toward forgiveness, healing, friendship, or change.

Some tendencies of people who step off the edge:

  • A more peaceful and warm presence with people from all walks of life. They are friendly to EVERYONE. 

  • “Calm in the midst of the storm” personality. When everyone else is losing their shit, they are able to act as a peaceful and calming presence

  • A faith in Christ that is unshakeable because they have navigated so many dark nights and doubts. Every step off an edge leads to fresh doubt and questions. And they have become comfortable with doubt and a lack of certainty. 

In 2024, what edge have you come to? Ready to step off?

If you do, it will lead to an EPIPHANY and you’ll experience Christ in a fresh way.


Epiphany #3 - Experiencing the Supernatural

