Epiphany #3 - Experiencing the Supernatural

Our theology (understanding of God) and the Supernatural (the experience of God) go together. 

We need an integration of theology and the Supernatural. “Teaching” appears in the New Testament 88 times. “Signs, wonders, healing, and miracles” appear 83 times in the New Testament. It’s a balance and a bond between the two.

Over the years, I’ve dipped my toes into reading about neuroscience, quantum physics, and other science. I always get excited when I see the scientific pathways that reveal an interwoven connection between The Supernatural and Science (Natural Law).  

I actually think it’s pretty easy for our minds to accept this as a philosophical fact or belief. But I don’t know about you, I’ve personally struggled with believing in God’s Supernatural presence in my life, my family, relationships, and places. 

One of my “epiphanies” over the years, is that the bridge, the bond, or the dimension that connects the Supernatural with Natural Law is love. 

We see this throughout the New Testament. Jesus had genuine love for those He was healing. It’s the bridge between the Natural and the Supernatural. 

I don’t bring up love as the bridge to prove anything to you. I’m bringing it up because I believe the Supernatural only occurs when there is a bridge of love. It’s why I don’t believe the televangelists and prosperity gospel people. Their conduit or bridge between the Supernatural and Natural Law isn’t love, it’s money. 

In order to experience the Supernatural power of God, we need to invite, receive, acknowledge, dwell in, and share love…abundantly! 

And this is an epiphany that evades people in the conservative and progressive tribes of our culture. They each tend to build their tribes around their own understanding and limits of the human mind and reason i.e. their comfort zones. Therefore, they tend to make “different people” into enemies. They exclude, rather than include. They give polite platitudes instead of love. They give tolerance, instead of grace.

The way to move from just your understanding of God into experiencing God…is love. One of the best methods to experience the Supernatural, “signs, wonders, and miracles” is to befriend people who confuse you, or make you uncomfortable, or you don’t understand. Do this, and you will experience an Epiphany.

I have story after story of this happening and the common bond: love.


Epiphany #4 and #5 - Shadows and The 3rd Way


Epiphany #2Stepping Off the Edge