Jesus Erases the Lines

One unique part of my story is that we have worked in many different contexts. I have worked in public institutions (school teacher), churches on the west coast and east coast, a non-profit in the U.S., a non-profit in Europe, and now one of the most progressive seminaries in the U.S.

I’ve encountered, connected, and befriended people from all walks of life. Their stories have helped shape my worldview, empathy, and curiosity of how faith, love, and life intersect.

After 22 years on this professional and relational journey, I’ve noticed one particular habit that so many Americans have: Dualistic Thinking. Americans tend to think in these ways:

  • Us. vs. Them

  • Winner vs. Loser

  • Right and Wrong

  • Science vs. Religion

  • Conservative vs. Liberal

People highlight “which side” they are on with yard signs, bumper stickers, social media hashtags, t-shirts, and more. And even more shocking to me, this shit is prevalent in churches. Go to any conservative or progressive church website and you will find a list of “belief statements” essentially communicating their dualism. When I read them, it always makes me sad and angry because it effectively communicates:

  • “This is where we draw the line!”

  • “You have to believe this or you’re not welcome and you’re probably not a Christian!”

  • “If you don’t believe this, you’re a hateful person”

Our world has gotten more divided, and our churches belief statements have gotten longer and more exclusive.

The tail is wagging the dog.

I find hope in the many people I’ve encountered who have sniffed this out and are leaving this behind. There is a better way forward for those of us who are tired and worn out of the “Us vs. Them” way of life. We are craving a more peaceful, grace filled, non-violent, contemplative, inclusive faith in Christ.

Seeds and Water Collective is in on this. We want to serve all who encounter us with content, spiritual care, experiences, and community that foster this “better way”, a way to live in our world that looks more like Jesus.


Podcast Interview


Future and Faith in the U.S.