The Top 2 Ways God Speaks to Us

As the noise of our world increases: social media, notifications, streaming, and more…it’s no wonder so many are struggling to see, feel, hear, or sense the presence of God. It’s a constant battle.

There are 2 ways God pierces the noise and gets our attention, well, these are my Top 2 :)…but they are grounded in human history and experience.

First, but only because I have written and spoken about this before, is Prayer. I host a free Zoom encounter on Experiential Prayer. I built this encounter from years of exploring and practicing the many types of historical Christian prayer practices.

Second, is Suffering.

I want to quote author K.J. Ramsey. I’m reading her powerful and poetic book, This Too Shall Last: Finding Grace When Suffering Lingers.

“Suffering has always been God’s means of rousing a sleeping world with his love. The world will keep shouting at us to stand, jeering and leering that weakness is shame, but Love already came to the couch to sit in the place of our pain. While the world has always worshipped strength, God chose weakness to display his love. The spectacle of God’s love was never power or prestige but descent. And it’s those who wear the spectacles of tears who best glimpse this beautiful descent. God became human, with blood that would spill and a heart that would break, to unite us to love that lasts. The One with power gave it up so that in our powerlessness we could know his presence.”

God doesn’t cause suffering.

He just meets us there because He is the Great Physician, the Restorer, the One who rides with us through the waves of pain and fear, the One who stands next to us in the face of abusive power, the One who moved the violent spotlight of religious fundamentalism and political power onto Himself, so that He could put such things to death, and lead us toward the freedom and healing of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Seeds and Water Collective was born from these realizations, that we experience God through the scourge of suffering and the desperation of prayer. And like Christ, we are building a movement community that comes alongside you the way He does.


The Tipping Point has Arrived…


The Way Forward…