Journey with us as we tell stories of rediscovering faith.
#2 Quality We Look for in a Church Community
The #1 Quality We Look for in a Church
Politics Harm Our Ability to Love
This is On All of Us
My Problem with the Bible
Real Inclusion
When it comes to the most divisive issues and moments in our culture, what would it look like for us to live as agents of Christ-like inclusion?
Love Instead of Fear
Mike Pence Walked Into My Barbershop Last Week...
4 Realizations I Learned at the Edge of my Faith (Parts 1 and 2)
4 Realizations I Learned at the Edge of my Faith.
Searching for Faith, Facing Rejection, Finding Healing
If you are pursuing faith, it means you are pursuing something bigger than yourself. This brings adventure, the unknown, and risk.
One effect of pursuing will cost you relationally. You will be rejected.
Finding Refuge in Empty Places
Wide open spaces have always spoken to me, settled my soul, stilled the waters of anger, competitiveness, and justice that always seem to be spilling out of my mouth and mind. By nature, I do not have a gentle personality. I lust for action, a fresh challenge, or new experience. I crave food, sometimes numbing myself with late night snacks...instead of embracing what God might give me for satisfaction.